Saturday, February 15

How does an electric vehicle work?

Instead of a gasoline engine, an electric car is propelled by an electric motor. The electric motor is powered by a controller that controls the amount of power delivered dependent on the driver’s use of the accelerator pedal. The energy contained in the rechargeable batteries of an electric automobile (also known as an electric vehicle or EV) is recharged by ordinary household electricity. In this article, gives a clear explanation about how the electric vehicle works and the different parts of the EV system.

As a result, an electric vehicle will have three fundamental components:

  • Energy Storage Unit Controller,
  • Propulsion System,
  • Charging Station.

Power will be stored in the energy storage unit. A chemical battery is now the most popular energy storage technology, though it can be different – for example, instead of a chemical battery, a fuel cell (which derives its electricity from hydrogen rather than a battery pack) can be used as the energy storage unit.

The controller serves as a conduit or gateway between the electric motor and the controller. The controller will also perform other things, such as moderate power, operate as a converter (converting electricity from DC to AC), and increase or decrease amperage, among other things. The controller is the system’s brain. The propulsion system, which is comprised of an electric motor, turns electric power into physical energy for movement.

Electric Vehicles have not been extensively embraced in the past due to their limited driving range before needing to be recharged, long recharging times, and automakers’ lack of commitment to produce and market electric cars with all of the creature conveniences of gasoline-powered automobiles. That is beginning to change. Major automakers are investing in battery technology as it develops, improving energy storage while lowering costs. Electric cars emit no exhaust emissions, lessen our reliance on oil, and are less expensive to run.

Electric cars work by hooking into a charging station and drawing power from the grid. They store electricity in rechargeable batteries, which are used to power an electric motor that rotates the wheels. Electric vehicles accelerate more quickly than vehicles powered by standard gasoline engines, making them feel lighter to drive.

Compared to an ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) car, Electric Vehicles have 90% less moving parts. The parts that keep an Electric vehicle moving are as follows:

  1. Electric Engine/Motor – Provides the necessary power for the wheels to rotate. It can be either DC or AC; however AC motors are the most common.
  1. Inverter – A device that converts direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC).
  2. A single-speed transmission transmits power from the motor to the wheels of an electric vehicle’s drive train.
  3. Batteries are used to store the electricity needed to power an electric vehicle. The more the battery’s kW, the greater the range.
  1. Charge your battery by plugging it into an outlet or an EV charging station.